forme libre
I have a degree in Fine Arts ( a 5 years course ) – 3 years completed at plastic university and 2 years. After taking my degree, I worked for 2 years at the Musee de Grenoble and at the renowned MAGASIN ( national centre of modern art ).
Armed with this professional and artistic experience, in 1998 I created FORMELIBRE – so named because of my boundless admiration for the work of Charlotte Perriand.
My experience, expertise and personal judgement in this field are recognized and respected.
At present I am focussing my attention on interior architecture and interior decoration as an art of living, giving real significance to these antiques of the future.
This adventure has become a family concern, thanks to my wife Diana and her rich Latin American culture.
Today we are seeking out and exhibiting our favorite specimens. We look forward to sharing this world with you.
Diana, Matis & Edouard du Masle